THE SPARKLING MUSIC OF CHRISTMAS : Interview with Musical Producer Jonathan Barr

An atmosphere filled with celebration, bells that ring, timeless songs: it’s Christmas that resonates at DisneylandParis, and particularly when Mickey and his Dazzling Christmas Parade pass by. To find out more about this magical and festive music, we asked Musical Producer Jonathan Barr to tell us the secrets behind this creation. It’s also anoccasion to look at the new music celebrating the destination’s 30th anniversary that we’ll also be hearing during this Disney Enchanted Christmas. Jonathan, can you tell us about your work for Disneyland Paris? My collaboration with Disneyland Paris actually dates back to the launch of the Disney Cinema Parade at the WaltDisney Studios Park (2002-2008). At the time, I was both composer and arranger. Throughout my entire DisneyCareer, I’ve written over 80 songs for the Disney Parks across the world. Which helped me gain an in-depthknowledge of the workings behind the creation of the music of the Disney Park shows, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to leap the fence and become an independent Musical Producer. For each project, there can beseveral composers and several arrangers […]