
Inspiring generations to shape the future

Storytelling is at the heart of everything we do at Disney. Stories inspire us to believe in the future, be true to our hearts and make the world a better place. And through this ability to inspire, here at Disneyland® Paris, we make dreams come true.

That unique role drives our commitments to society and to the environment, focused on three core areas of action. Through philanthropy, we bring comfort and hope to those who need it most. Through inclusive programs, we help those trying to find their way.


Disney VoluntEARS

Disney VoluntEARS are Cast Members who donate their free time to volunteer and bring to life Walt Disney’s most cherished tradition: commitment to society.

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Disney VoluntEARS Contributed more than +15,000 hours of service to the community


Sharing the magic of Disneyland Paris with those who need it the most

Disneyland Paris regularly hosts underprivileged families in partnership with French and European non-profit organizations to propose to these families to enjoy moments of escape from daily life, especially during school vacations.

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disadvantaged children welcomed for a day of magic at our Parks since 1992

Children's wishes

Making dreams come true for sick children

For more than 30 years, Disneyland Paris has been committed to delivering joy when it’s needed most by helping grant wishes for children with critical illness and their families.

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wishes of children granted since 1992

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Hospital visits

The magic of Disneyland Paris in hospitals

When children can’t travel to Disneyland Paris, the magic comes to them: festive afternoons, fun workshops led by Disney VoluntEARS and meetings with Disney characters, everything is an opportunity to bring a smile to children and their families during their hospital stay.

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sick children visited in 500 hospitals across France and Europe since 1991


Redistribute the magic of Disneyland Paris with those who need it the most

Through its corporate social responsibility approach, Disneyland Paris has been committed since its opening in 1992 to supporting the actions of non-profit organizations and neighboring local authorities in improving the lives of children and families in need.

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