Behind the creation of the trophies ford Disneyland Paris Duck Races 2024

Last weekend, the 2nd edition of the Disneyland Paris Duck Races, meet Sarah Ousselin, Cast Member decorator and painter in charge of the creation of the trophies that given to the winners of the rubber duck races!

More than 500 jobs make of Disneyland Paris a unique employer, where the diversity and richness of talent of its Cast Members make the resort shine bright with their savoir-faire.  

Sarah is a decorator and painter at the Figure Finishing team, a team made of « dream creators » who keep the magic alive by making sure all the attractions and decors in Disneyland Paris remain as majestic and unique.  Sarah became a Cast Member almost 18 years ago, and affirms she wouldn’t change her job for anything in the world: “I love everything about my job, it’s a craft and a passion! It’s everything, the colors, the creativity, making people smile…“

This year, Sarah had the opportunity to create the trophies received by the winners at Disneyland Paris Duck Races, a Cast-exclusive event to celebrate Donald Duck’s birthday, on June 9. Moreover, this time we celebrated 90 years since our favorite duck made its very first appearance on screen! 

Sarah started the creative process of the trophies by drawing “what was in my mind”. From the design to the final result, several teams from the Central Shops of Disneyland Paris collaborated with her: from the models 3D-printing by the Animation team, to the creation of the wood bases by the carpentry team or the engraving on the metal plaques at the graphic shop… it’s a team work after all!

For this project, Sarah found inspiration in Donald Duck’s kind of mad and clumsy personality: “I found it cute to make him slip into the bathtub so that we can only see his feet!”. Our artist shows a lot of attention to detail, since every element is well though-of and has its own symbolism: the color of the floor in every trophy reminds us of the colors of “it’s a small world”, the attraction where the event took place on June 9; the balloons honor Donald Duck’s colors, for the Donald 90 celebration this year. 

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